Did you follow the appropriate starting instructions listed on the machine? Make sure the door is closed correctly. Service requests can be made by calling 1-800-530-5692 or by logging onto www.jetservice.com.
- What is the requirement for living on campus?
All newly enrolled students who meet the criteria outlined below are required by university policy to live on campus for two full semesters.
- Are 20 years of age (or younger) on the first day of classes for the fall term of the academic year;
- Enrolled in six (6) or more credits at the UNC Greeley Campus;
- Have not requested and been granted an exemption prior to the start of their chosen
entry term. Students will be able to petition to be released from this requirement
for the following reasons:
- Active Military Service
- Change in Family Circumstances
- Dependency of a Minor Child
- Financial Hardship
- Graduation (Outside of Contract Timeline)
- Job (which requires you to live away from the local area during the academic year)
- Marriage
- Pregnancy
- Qualifying Disability
- Sexual Violence
- Student Teaching (which requires you to live away from the local area during the academic year)
- Study Abroad at another institution (which requires you to live away from the local area during the academic year)
- Study Abroad at UNC ending
- University Sponsored Internship (which requires you to live away from the local area during the academic year)
- Are not living in the local area with their legal guardian;
- Are a first-time, first-year student (as defined by the Office of Admissions)
- Are a transfer student (as defined by the Office of Admissions) who has not previously enrolled at another accredited institution for at-least two consecutive semesters at full-time status, or, who earned fewer than 24 credit hours by the start of the term (excluding all dual/concurrent enrollment credits);
- Credits earned through Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) or concurrent enrollment with high school do not apply;
- UNC defines the Local Area as students living with their parent or guardian in the following ZIP Codes: 80638, 80639, 80632, 80633, 80631, 80620, 80646, 80634, 80615, 80623, 80644, 80624, 80651, 80645, 80543, 80551, 80546, 80550, 80534, 80622, 80650, 80539, 80547, 80621, 80528, 80542, 80610, 80520, 80530, 80525, 80527, 80513, 80553, 80537, 80523, 80522, 80537, or 80524.
- How do I complete a contract for housing?
Visit the Apply for Housing webpage for detailed instructions on how to apply for housing. Admitted students who have confirmed their enrollment at UNC will be able to complete and submit an online housing contract using their Ursa login credentials. The housing contract is not considered completed until the required $100 housing deposit is also submitted or deferred through Admissions.
- What is the deadline for contract?
The 2024-25 academic year housing contract will be available Friday, December 1, 2023, at 8 a.m. The contract has no specific deadline, however, the sooner you get your contract submitted, the better the chances you have to live in your top choice of hall and room. Contracts are assigned on a date priority based on when you submitted your completed contract. Once you are assigned a date priority, you will be able to select your room in available spaces. We encourage all students wanting housing to apply as soon as they’re able!
- When can I move in?
For students arriving in Fall 2024, UNC’s move-in process will begin Wednesday, August 21 for new students (first-year and transfer students). New students have been assigned a specific time to complete their move in and will receive this assigned time in early August. All returning students are able to move in anytime on or after Thursday, August 22. Check out the 2024 Fall Move-In Guide for details!
For students arriving in Spring 2025, UNC's residence halls open on Friday, January 10, 2025, at 8 a.m. Summer programs have specific arrival times by term type; learn more on the Flexible Housing Options webpage. Students wishing to arrive early can apply to do so; learn more about early arrivals on the Flexible Housing Options webpage.
- How are deposits collected?
Deposits are accepted online in the Housing and Dining Contract via credit card or by mail via check (payable to UNC). Deposits are transferred over from year-to-year for those students who continue to live on campus!
- Can I cancel my contract?
Yes, you can cancel your contract. All cancellations must be written by the student (not the parent). On your written cancellation, please include your first and last name, Bear number and the reason for wanting to cancel. The cancellation can be:
- Mailed to: UNC Housing Office, Campus Box 38, Greeley, CO 80639; or
- Faxed to: 970-351-1950; or
- Emailed to: housing@fjzhusuji.com from your UNC BearMail account.
You can find more information on the different contracts on our Forms webpage.
Residence Hall and Houses Contracts for the Academic Year
Contracts canceled by or on June 1, 2024 will receive a full housing deposit refund. Contract cancellations received between June 2 – 30, 2024 will receive half of the deposit refund. Contracts canceled after July 1, 2024 will have the deposit forfeited. Contracts can be canceled up until the halls have opened, however, the deposit will be forfeited. Students will be billed for the entire amount of the housing contract if enrolled in classes.
Residence Hall and House Contracts for the Spring Semester
Contracts canceled by or on December 15, will receive a full housing deposit refund. Contract cancellations received between December 16 – 31 will receive half of the deposit refund. Contracts canceled after December 31 will have the deposit forfeited. Contracts can be canceled up until the halls open, however, the deposit will be forfeited. Once the halls have opened, students will be billed for the entire amount of the housing contract if enrolled in classes.
Residence Hall and House Contracts for the Summer
Contracts canceled by 15 or more days before the start of the first day of the term(s) you applied for will receive a full housing deposit refund. Contracts canceled 14 or fewer days before the start of the first day of the term(s) you applied for will have the deposit forfeited. Contracts can be canceled up until the start of the term you applied for, however, the deposit will be forfeited. Once the term starts, students will be billed for the entire amount fo the housing contract if enrolled in classes.
Arlington Park Contracts
New and returning contracts canceled 30 days prior to the start of your lease will receive a full housing deposit refund. New contracts canceled on or after July 18 will have the deposit forfeited. If notice of cancellation is not received within 30 days of the start of the lease residents will have the deposit forfeited. Contracts can be canceled up until the start of the contract, however, the deposit will be forfeited. Once the contract starts, students will be billed for the entire amount of the housing contract if enrolled in classes.
- Can I move off campus at the end of the first semester?
Housing contracts are for the academic year (both fall and spring semesters). You must remain in the university's housing system from August through May in accordance with the housing contract.
- What happens to my room contract if I drop out of school?
University withdrawal must be done when you need to drop/withdraw from all courses and leave the university. Students who are planning to drop all courses and leave the university, for any reason, need to go to the Registrar’s Office located at Bear Central in the Campus Commons or call 970-351-4862. Students are required to complete an exit survey before the withdrawal will be processed. Unless this procedure is followed, students will receive failing grades in all courses.
Residents must check out of their residence hall within 48 hours of submitting the Exit Form.
Students will be charged in full for their meal plans and housing if they fully withdrawal after their respective course(s) drop deadline. Tuition and fees are charged at 100%. The Registrar's Office has more details. Students who desire to appeal this decision may use the Registrar’s Registration Appeals process.
- What happens if I drop below six (6) credit hours in the middle of a semester?
The UNC Housing Contracts Terms and Conditions state that to be eligible for occupancy in university housing, a student must be enrolled at the University of Northern Colorado and carry an undergraduate or graduate credit load of six semester hours or more. If a student drops below six credits, they can request approval to stay in UNC housing for the duration of their contract or until the next term.
Room Assignments
- How do I find a roommate? Or if I have a roommate in mind, how do we select a room
If you do not have a roommate in mind and need to find one, the Assignments Coordinator will match you with another student by using the roommate matching criteria on the housing contract.
At UNC, you have the ability to select a roommate if you and your friend would like to be roommates. Prior to filling out the housing contract, you need to get the correct spelling of your roommate's first and last name, as well as their Bear number.
On the housing contract, you will enter your roommate preference by entering their first name, last name and Bear number to confirm they are someone you want to room with during the academic year. They will need to do the same thing on their contract.
- How do I get my housing assignment?
You can check your assignment by going to your Housing Portal and logging in with your Ursa login information. If you have an active assignment, it will appear at the bottom of the page. (Note: This doesn’t apply to students living in Arlington Park.)
New students moving in for the academic year (August – May) can select where they’d like to live from the beginning of the priority assignment deadline in March. Students can select which space they’d like to assign themselves to. Students will be able to move spaces until June 30. Please learn more about how to apply.
Students moving in in the spring term will be assigned to a vacant space based on their housing application preferences and can expect to see their assignment after the end of the fall semester but before UNC closes for the winter holidays.
- I haven’t moved in yet; how do I change my room?
New students moving in for the academic year (August – May) can select where they’d like to live from the beginning of the priority assignment deadline in March. Students can select which space they’d like to assign themselves to. Students will be able to move spaces until June 30. Any room changes made after June 30 will be done by your Neighborhood Staff after classes begin in August (fall semester) or January (spring semester) after the Drop Deadline. Learn more about how to move to a different room as a current student.
- Can I sign up for a single room?
Single rooms are at a premium cost. While we do have some “designated singles,” most of these rooms are held for medical/disability situations. Other single rooms are usually spoken for during the return sign-up process when current students re-contract for spaces for the following academic year.
If you have a documented medical or psychological condition, you are required to work with the Disability Resource Center at 970-351-2289.
- Can I buy out vacant space(s) in my room?
If you are interested in buying out a vacant space in your room, check with your hall staff (Resident Assistant, Community Assistant, Assistant Neighborhood Coordinator, Community Director or Neighborhood Coordinator) or Neighborhood Front Desk regarding the availability of this option and the charges to buy out your room based on occupancy/availability. Room buyouts will apply for the full term of the contract. More information may be found on the Forms webpage.
- What if I want to change my room assignment or switch roommates after the halls open?
After the halls open, if you would like to move to another space, you can fill out the Current Student Room Move Request Form and speak to your Residential Coordinator about where you would like to move. If you want to move due to a roommate conflict, please talk to your Resident Assistant/Community Assistant. Your RA/CA can assist with roommate conflict resolutions and make roommate agreements. If the conflict is not resolved, then residents should talk with the Neighborhood Coordinator or Community Director about changing rooms. We try to work with students to make the most amicable situation possible. Because of space availability, we sometimes are not able to make the requested changes immediately.
- I didn't ask to be assigned to a special interest floor. Why am I?
If you were assigned to a “special interest floor” without requesting it, it is probably because the remaining spaces available were only on this floor at the time of your assignment.
- Can I live with another person of the same ethnicity or religion?
Room assignments are made based on the information given on the contract; ethnicity and religion are not included.
- Does UNC offer family housing and graduate housing?
Arlington Park Apartments is located just two blocks from West Campus and offers a variety of floor plans. This is a very popular housing choice and has limited availability.
- I live on campus. How do I get my same room for next year or get a different room
before new students?
Students who currently live within the UNC Housing system and want to sign up again for the following academic year will sign up for housing during the Call Dibs process.
Arlington Park students wishing to renew will be contacted in December with directions on how to renew for the next year. Please learn more about Arlington Park Renewals.
- Gender-Inclusive Housing
Gender-inclusive housing is available in every open housing facility on campus except our Women’s Residential Learning Community. Gender-inclusive housing provides the option for a space where students of different genders can live together. Regardless of gender, students have the option to choose a space in a hall that best meets their needs living with someone they are comfortable sharing a room with.
Rooms and Amenities
- What kind of internet access do I have in on-campus housing?
High-speed internet access is available in each residence hall via a hard-wired network port called ResNet. ResNet is provided to each residence hall occupant with an active housing contract. You will need either a category 5 or 6 Ethernet patch cable to connect your desktop or laptop to the hard wired port. Category 5 or 6 Ethernet patch cables can be purchased at various retailers. Once connected to ResNet you will be guided through an automated online registration process for internet services. (You can only complete this process in your residence hall room). Residents will also find wireless access available in their residence halls via the wireless network name ”UNC-STUDENT” in most facilities, and users will need to use the pre-shared key UNCStudent (case sensitive) to associate to the network. For a list of buildings and locations with wireless access or assistance with ResNet, please contact the Technical Support Center at 970-351-4357 or search the IM&T Knowledge Database. Students living in university-owned houses or Arlington Park will have wireless connections only.
Wireless and wired connections are provided in student bedrooms. For devices that have a wired network connection, an Ethernet cable is always advised for the most reliable and fastest connections. Submit an online ticket for assistance or call Information Management & Technology at 970-351-4357 (970-351-HELP).
- Wired: Internet-connected game stations, Smart TVs, DVD/Blue Ray Players, Apple TVs, Roku devices, etc. can generally be connected to the UNC network through a wired connection after being enabled by Information Management & Technology.
- Wireless: Connect to Wi-Fi by searching for available networks and select UNC-STUDENT. The password is UNCStudent (case sensitive). Your username and password are your UNC student (Ursa) login and password.
- Can I put up my own curtains?
Fire-preventive curtains are provided for each room and cannot be taken down. Students cannot put up their own curtains.
You can also find more information in our 2024-25 Housing and Residential Education Handbook.
- Can I put in my own loft unit/water bed?
Neither lofts nor water beds are allowed in halls. Beds in the residence halls can be bunked and are twin regular size. Please learn more about university-provided furniture on our What to Bring webpage.
You can also find more information in our 2023-24 Housing and Residential Education Handbook.
- What size are the beds?
In UNC’s residence halls and houses, all beds and mattresses are twin regular size. Each room has an adjustable-height bed with a dual-firmness twin mattress (firm or extra firm, depending on which side is up). For more details on the bed, please see the Bed and Mattress section in your residence hall and house.
In Arlington Park Apartments, all beds and mattresses are full XL size and include either:
- a platform, box spring and a dual-firmness full XL mattress (firm or extra firm, depending on which side is up.)
- an adjustable-height bed with a metal spring deck and a dual-firmness full XL mattress (firm or extra firm, depending on which side is up.)
For students living in UNC’s residence halls and houses who request it, a limited number of extra-long (XL) twin mattresses are available upon request for students 6'4" and taller. To request a twin XL bed, please email housing@fjzhusuji.com from your UNC email with your name, your height, your hall/house and room number and your anticipated move-in date (if you are arriving early.) Please contact us by phone if you have more questions about reserving a twin XL bed.
- Can I have posters/pictures on walls?
Students are encouraged to decorate and personalize their rooms. Posters and framed pictures are allowed on the walls, but nothing may be attached to the ceiling, including stickers and decals. A limited amount of adhesive 3M products for attaching posters/pictures to walls are available at front desks.
- Can I paint my room?
No. If your room needs to be painted, you can request that by calling Housing Services. The room will be assessed to determine need/priority by Housing Services. All painting is conducted by the Facilities Operations paint crew. You can contact Housing and Residential Education at housing@fjzhusuji.com or 970-351-2721.
- Can I remove the furniture from my room?
The University provides room furnishings in all facilities. Details on what furnishings are provided in your room type may be found on the UNC Housing website. Residents are allowed to remove University-owned room furnishings from their assigned space only. Residents are not permitted to remove furniture from spaces they are not assigned to or from vacant spaces in their room/suite. Residents should consult with roommates and suitemates if they wish to remove furniture from a shared space (e.g., living room). UNC does not provide storage for residents who choose to remove furnishings. Residents are responsible for the storage of any University-owned furniture removed from rooms, and for returning all University-owned furniture to the room in its original condition. Residents should take special care to ensure that the furniture, walls, flooring, and doors are not damaged during the removal and return of University-owned furniture. Residents are financially liable for damage to UNC property that may occur during the removal, storage, and return of furniture.
- What appliances can I use in the residence halls?
Compact refrigerators no larger than 6 cubic feet maximum and microwaves of 1250 watts or less may be used. All open-coil appliances such as toaster ovens and hot plates are not allowed. George Foreman grills are NOT allowed. All appliances must be UL-approved.
Visit our webpage for suggestions on what to bring to campus and what to coordinate with your roommate.
You can also find more information in our 2024-25 Housing and Residential Education Handbook.
- How do I receive my mail?
Visit our Mail Information page for more details.
Break Housing Information
- Do I have to move out during the Fall Break/Thanksgiving Break?
No, students do not need to leave or move any items out over Fall Break. Students can remain in the halls during the Thanksgiving Break, but the dining halls are typically closed during Thanksgiving Break. You can learn more about dining options over breaks on the Dining FAQ webpage. Learn more about class breaks and university holidays from the Office of the Registrar. Desks will be open, with limited hours, during this time with some break closures, and staff will be on duty during this time.
- Do I have to move out during Winter Break?
No, students do not need to leave or move any items out over Winter Break. Students can remain in the halls during the Winter Break, but the dining halls are typically closed during Winter Break. You can learn more about dining options over breaks on the Dining FAQ webpage. Learn more about class breaks and university holidays from the Office of the Registrar. Desks will be open, with limited hours, during this time with some break closures, and staff will be on duty during this time.
- Do the halls close during Spring Break?
No, students do not need to leave or move any items out over Spring Break. Students can remain in the halls during the Spring Break, but the dining halls are typically closed during Spring Break. You can learn more about dining options over breaks on the Dining FAQ webpage. Learn more about class breaks and university holidays from the Office of the Registrar. Desks will be open, with limited hours, during this time with some break closures, and staff will be on duty during this time.
Miscellaneous Questions
- How can I safely dispose of used needles and other sharps on campus?
If you use injectables for medical reasons and need access to a sharps disposal container, please contact the Student Health Center at 970-351-1919. Students having full sharps containers may return them to the Student Health Center for proper disposal and may pick up a new, empty container, free of charge.
Used needles and other sharps are dangerous to people and pets if not disposed of safely because they can injure people and spread infections that cause serious health conditions. The most common infections are: Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Safe sharps disposal is important whether you are at home, at work, at school, traveling or in other public places such as hotels, parks, restaurants and dining rooms.
Never place loose needles and other sharps (those that are not placed in a sharps disposal container) in the household or public trash cans or recycling bins, and never flush them down the toilet. This puts trash and sewage workers, janitors, housekeepers, dishwashers, household members and children at risk of being harmed.
For more information, please visit the FDA website.
- There is a U.S. Census representative on campus. Is it OK that they are here?
The U.S. Government will send census takers to campus to talk with students. All census personnel will show proper identification and will notify the building's Residential Coordinator of their presence.
- How do I submit a room repair?
Submit a work request with as much detail as you can provide through UNC's TMA iService Desk and use your BearMail for updates.
Note: You need to be connected to UNC Wired or Wireless internet to submit.
Need help with something in your room that's not working right? You can contact your Neighborhood Front Desk.
- I want to advertise an event, organization or club in residential facilities.
- Where do I take my trash and recycling?
Please take all trash and recycling to the trash and recycling enclosures located near your residence hall. You can stop by your Neighborhood Front Desk to get directions.
We provide complimentary laundry facilities in each of our residence halls, as well as our apartment complex, for students living with us in one of those facilities. We also encourage our students to use the UNC Mobile App to view the availability of washer and dryers in the halls or use the online Jetz Laundry App to report any issues with laundry equipment.
- What is Wash Alert?
Save yourself some time before heading to the laundry room. UNC’s laundry rooms have Speed Queen Wash Alert to help our students know when washers and dryers are available. You can check availability and status and receive end-of-cycle alerts for your laundry with Speed Queen Wash Alert! The system will let residents:
- See the availability of machines in a laundry room in real time
- Get a text/email notification when the cycle is complete.
- Why does it take less soap for my clothes to be washed?
Front-load washers are extremely efficient and use less water to do the same wash load. The LCD display will show the time left on the machine and what cycle is currently running.
- What type of detergent is acceptable?
Liquid soap is preferred and highly recommended, but it is not mandatory. Only use one quarter of a cup of regular laundry soap for best results or the recommended amount for concentrated laundry detergent.
- What kind and how much fabric softener should be added?
Liquid fabric softener is highly recommended. These front-loading machines only require a fourth of the amount recommended on the fabric softener label.
- What is the residue in the fabric softener compartment? It looks like mold.
This is a build-up of excess fabric softener. Front-loading machines require only a fourth as much softener as top-loading machines.
- After loading my laundry, the washer/dryer won't start.
- What happens when the washer stops before the cycle is complete and the display shows
an error?
Did you insert a full load of clothes? To maximize the efficiency of the washer, a full load must be washed. Under-loading and over-loading will cause problems with the balancing sensors. If there are no error codes on the display, the wash cycle can be advanced by pressing and releasing the start button until the display reads 01; press the start button once more and the machine will drain and unlock the door in 10 seconds.
- The dryer did not dry my clothes.
This is common when overloading or selecting the wrong temperature settings upon cycle selection. Time can be added by pressing the start button. Be sure to remove the lint buildup in the dryer screen before starting the dry cycle.
- The washer turned my clothes pink or blue.Did you separate out dark and color clothes? Colors, if not separated, can "bleed" on to other clothes.
- What should I do if the washer is flooding?
After 5 p.m. or on weekends, contact your RA or Front Desk, who will call the Hall Director on duty to assess the situation. If unable to shut off the water source, the Hall Director will call UNCPD to call in a plumber.
During a workday, call Housing Services at 970-351-1984 and place an out-of-order notice on the machine. You should also call Jetz Service Co at 1-800-530- 5692 or www.jetzservice.com and click "Report A Problem" or use the Jetz Service App (available for Android and Apple devices).